Or Yóuxiá, Bogatyr, Rōnin, Knight-Errant, etc...
B: Inspire Hope
C: Load-Bearing Boss
D: Bare Steel
A: Drifter
When you first enter a new named locality (a town, village, city district, dungeon, valley, stretch of forest, etc...) the GM will tell you the names of the richest person, most powerful person, and most dangerous person in the area.
A: Oath
Any oaths you swear are unbreakable. People will instinctively know that your word can be trusted. You can push yourself to perform incredible physical feats in service of an oath (something someone with 18 Strength/Dexterity/Constitution could do with an excellent die roll), but you are exhausted and cannot fight or exert yourself afterwards until you're offered bedrest and a humble meal by a truly innocent person.
If you die with an unfulfilled oath you return as a revenant.
B: Inspire Hope
When you stand up to a corrupt or vile person thusfar unchallenged, your example stirs courage in the heart of onlookers. You rile up a squad of 2d4 bystanders (HD 1, Morale 7) who will fight at your side for the remainder of the encounter.
C: Load-Bearing Boss
When you kill somebody, any henchmen or retainers in their service will flee without a fight or a morale check.
D: Bare Steel
The first blow you ever strike with your sword in a new named location will instantly kill your opponent where they stand.